

Enviroschools Marlborough / Enviroschools stories  / Redwoodtown School flying high
Flying high at Redwoodtown

Redwoodtown School flying high

It was hard to miss the enormous hot air balloon bobbing up and down above Redwoodtown School last month.

The school was visited by the Flying High Charitable Trust, which aims to provide opportunities to inspire and guide young people towards a more sustainable future through its education programme and use of an innovative and positive approach.

The hot air balloon created a real buzz and gave children a bird’s eye view of their school and community, along with a broader perspective on some everyday problems. Students explored how they could use this different perspective to come up with innovative and practical solutions to problems such as our use of non-renewable energy and single-use plastics.

What an exciting way to challenge students’ thinking on these big and important topics…we look forward to seeing Redwoodtown School’s next steps!The view from up high